Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Free Linux Operating Systems
Linux is a popular free Unix version, initially for the Intel xx86 set of platforms, but now also for other processors: Alpha, ARM, Motorola 680x0, PowerPC, SPARC.
In the Webserver area it has become the most popular operating system. Linux desktop operating systems have improved tremendously during the last few years. Linux now is now a true and viable alternative for Windows on the desktop as well.
A variety of Linux distributions are available: one can download several Linux versions for free, or order CD-versions at a small price.
Office/multimedia RPM based Linux distribution.
Cooperative Linux
CoLinux.enables one to run Linux inside Microsoft Windows. It is a port of the Linux kernel that allows it to run cooperatively alongside another operating system on a single machine. For instance, it allows one to freely run Linux inside Windows 2000/XP, without using a commercial PC virtualization software such as VMware, in a way which is much more optimal than using any general purpose PC virtualization software.
Download Debian for free or Purchase the complete set of Debian CDs from your local Debian dealer
A Linux distribution especially designed for Netbooks.
Free Linux operating system created by Red Hat. You can run it directly from CD to try it out, before installing it.
Free Linux Programming
Free programming tools for Linux, Windows and other Operating Systems.
You don't have to be a Linux expert to install Knoppix. It installs OK on the majority of computers (including many Laptops). Knoppix starts directly from CD-Rom , but you can also install it on your harddisk. The fact that it runs directly from CD-Rom allows you to try it out before actually installing it.
You can download Knoppix here.
Read more in this article on Knoppix.
Linux distribution for ARM platforms.
Linux Desktops
KDE, stable graphical user-interface included in most Linux distributions.
Gnome, free desktop environment competing with KDE, included in most Linux distributions.
ICEWM, is a free window manager, its goal being speed and simplicity.
XPde, a desktop environment(XPde) and a window manager(XPwm) for Linux. It tries to recreate the Windows XP interface to-the-pixel point.
Linux ISO images
Knoppix mirrors
These sites offer free Linux ISO-images for download. An ISO is an exact image of a CD, that can be burned again into a disc to create an exact copy of the original CD.
See also:
Downloading Linux.
Burning a Linux ISO image.
Linux Journal
Monthly magazine of the Linux community since 1994.
Linux Mint
Debian-based Linux distribution with focus on ease of installation and ease of use.
Linux News and forums
JustLinux (forums) (news)
Fresh Meat (news)
Desktop Linux (news)
Linux Standard Base
Organization devoted to keeping all distributions compatible, so that software which runs on one distribution, also runs on the other. These companies are supporting the initiative: Compaq, Caldera, Coral, Debian, LinuxCare, Mandrake, TurboLinux, Read Hat, Suse, VA Linux, HP, IBM, Intel.
Running Linux on Laptops.
Linux support forums where Linux newbies can ask questions and Linux experts can offer advice. Topics include security, installation, networking and much more.
A faster, more lightweight and energy saving variant of Ubuntu geared toward low-memory computers (like having 128 Mb of RAM or so).
Mandriva Linux
A Linux distribution that is available for 32bit PC, PowerPC (MAC), and 64 bit processors such as Intel Itanium and AMD Opteron. It includes many graphical administration assistants & wizards that make it intuitive and fun to use while providing all the power and robustness of other Linux systems.
Migrating to
desktop Linux
Free eBook in PDF format aimed at assisting those interested in migrating desktop PCs to Linux.
The goal of this eBook is to provide a technical planning reference for IT organizations large or small that are now considering a migration to Linux-based personal computers.
SuSE Linux Enterprie
Non-free business Linux editions including support by phone.
Free Linux operating system for Intel-based PC's. One of the best Linux distributions!
Linux-based operating system developed by the Turkey Scientific and Technical Research Association. You can use it both in Turkish and English.
Puppy Linux
Small Linux distribution, only 60mb in size. Can boot from CD, USB disk and run inside Windows or standalone.
Qubes OS
Uses security domains implemented as lightweight Virtual Machines (or AppVMs). The AppVms are based on Linux. Each AppVM behaves like a local machine. The AppVMs are isolated from each other except for secure copy/paste and file sharing. There are plans to integrate Qubes OS with Intel TXT which unfortunately comes with the extremely scary vPro technology.
Non-free Linux editions for server computers, sold by annual subscription.
Download Slackware for free or order the CD-Rom set from the Slackware store.
A special edition of Slackware Linux, called ZipSlack can be installed on the same drive (or partition) as Windows. It just needs a FAT (or FAT32) harddisk with about 100 MB of extra free disk space.
BigSlack is more complete than ZipSlack, and can also be installed on a FAT (or FAT32) harddisk. BigSlack needs about 850 Mb of extra free disk space.
"Anything but Microsoft Retail Store" (USA), offering low-cost Linux computers which are devoid of any Microsoft software (the fact that it has become almost impossible to buy a computer without Windows pre-installed is commonly known as "the Microsoft tax").
Tiny Linux
Tiny Linux is a small Linux distribution designed especially for old recycled computers.
Linux distribution with an option of running it directly from CD (without installing it). Ubuntu is easy to configure and easy to install. The newest version of Ubuntu uses the novel Unity desktop which is not liked by everyone. If you want to avoid Unity, then instead just download the excellent Ubuntu 10.04 (long term support) version which uses the Gnome 2 desktop. You can also try Xubuntu, which uses the leightweight Xfce desktop or Lubuntu which uses the leightweight LXDE desktop.
During install you should enable the options to download/install updates and third party software to ensure that you can play flash, windows media and other formats.
Ubuntu comes with its own set of programs, such as a full-fledged office suite, a good email program, the Mozilla Firefox Web browser, a file manager and much more. It can also access (read/write) Windows NTFS and FAT partitions directly. Additional software such as the VLC media player and wine can be installed later on (automatically through the Internet) using the 'Synaptic Package Manager'.
Lightweight Linux editions. The Light version of VectorLinux version will run on a Pentium 166 with 64 Mb ram. The standard edition needs no more than a Pentium 200 and 96 Mb of ram.
Non-free Linux distribution which offers Windows-compatibility. See also here.
A version of Ubuntu based on the lightweight Xfce graphical desktop (instead of the Unity desktop).
Ylmf OS
A Ubuntu-based Linux operating system with a Windows XP user-interface.